Sahitya classes Blog

3 AM Club by Vineet Pandey (**MUST WATCH**)


What is 3 A.M. Club?

“3 A.M. is the hour of writers, painters, poets, musicians and silence seekers, over thinkers and Creative People”

3 A.M. Club is a space for learning and testing.  It is not a coaching class set apart from any groups or batch. This batch is merged with online and offline course. Sahitya Classes is like a home and those in the place are companions. 3 A.M. Class goes on air in You tube. Without any edits or any objects of fantasy or employing video or audio extra fits, the live is purely meant for Learning and getting to know facts.

3 A.M. is mostly highlight with a slow motion in horror movies with digital sound effects, where the clock stops at a specific time to visualise the arrival of supernatural force or creature. Scientifically, 3 A.M. is the time that keeps our brain more active and energetic. Learning during that time, will never be erased from the memory. Sleeping at 10-11P.M and waking at 3 A.M. will kick away the laziness and invite a calm, peaceful atmosphere to study.

Vineet Pandey’s 3 A.M. Club:

Time: 3.00 A.M. – 7.00 A.M

William A. Ward states, “Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing.

            This is the first time in the chronicles of coaching class that a live session is held early in the morning before sun rise. The class is not set apart from the coaching one receives. This club in the most crucial factor found in all types of batch aiming for different competitive examinations. 3 A.M. Class or Club is a type of group study with a sharing of knowledge and checking its credibility from the most authentic source. The mentor, Vineet Pandey comes live via his you tube channel, and the link will be shared before few seconds. It is open to common learners who are not part of any courses offered by Sahitya Classes. But it is a well-established fact that many common individuals have cleared Competitive examinations just by listening and analysing the content of these live classes. The three prime aim of 3 A.M. Club is:

1) Revision

            3 A.M. Club does not gets started from the very day of coaching. It comes with a bang exactly before few weeks of the exam. The major purpose of this club is revision, and when one studies in a group the curiosity over the subject increases and so does our brain works fast. Both topic wise and complete revision is done in this club. Though the participation is not mandatory, students tend to join the precious hours as such a platform remains unknown to a great mass of learners.

2) Quiz

            The quiz format is not that of “Answer it or leave it”, instead it is “Answer it or learn it.” Random questions from English Literature are thrown to the learner- viewers and students get recognition and the chat box becomes an Institution. The answer is clearly explained by Vineet Pandey and he also provides tricks to remember the same

3) Discussions

            Club, as the name justifies never revolves around a single person. Similarly, 3 A.M. Club is a combination of speaker and the listeners or viewers. You tube serves as a platform for many source of entertainment. But the context of the platform changed when 3 A.M. classes had its launch. Complete academic discussions of a respective subject go for hours and each and every comment is read and responded instantly. An interaction makes the learning easy, and thus the aim of the club gets justification.

3 A.M. Club goes synonymous with ancient coffee houses, where matters of learning were discussed. The club is a blockbuster of Sahitya Classes, and a major catalyst that has gained the Institution an Identity that can never be replaced. Wise use of 3 A.M. club has led many passionate learners to achieve their target. All that demands is a mental stability to evade away the laziness and for-granted attitude. Even though the class is not a must one, more numbers of Student join and actively participate either by contributing a fact or by learning a fact.


For more information, get in touch with us…

Vineet Pandey

2 JRF,8 NET, and 17 SET

(Ex Asst. Professor : University of Delhi)

Get More about CUET (Message us):- +91 9267928908, +91 8587035827

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